At the time I started painting this little Stanford landscape, I was walking this path daily. It’s a few month’s later as I post this here, and my Wandelpad walks have slacked off a bit. The past few months have been a time of tumultuous change, something I apparently specialise in! Needless to say, I’ve stomped, skipped and ambled this path hundreds of times as I’ve processed what the past month’s have presented. The Wandelpad has many faces. I love this particular face.
I finished this painting a few days ago in/on my new stoep-studio. It’s about time. Things are settling down a bit for me, there’s a workshop on the near horizon at last, and I hope to spend many more hours on the Wandelpad this summer, painting the always inspiring Stanford landscape.
A shining triangle of green peeks through a dark tangle of vegetation as you approach down the path. As you get closer, you see that it is the grass on the other side of a green archway over the path.

To view in person, please visit Journey at 13 Queen Victoria Street, Stanford.
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